Conference 2023

8 – 11 June 2023, Golden Sands Baptist, Port Dickson, Malaysia

Dear ones and friends,
   Affectionate greetings and a blessed New Year to all reading this. If I could, I would have all of you sit in a room comfortably where I could purposefully and graciously open my heart to share with you of the things that I have intuited from the Lord. There are indeed things that we are called to answer to Him in light of the present crises impacting the world and the Church in particular.
   As the Scottish divine P.T. Forsyth insightfully wrote, “...that life and history are there to let God get out rather than to let man get on.” As the world “get(s) on,” it has been nothing short of adverse discords and incalculable disasters. It is with His redeemed community that has been drawn out and set apart that the Father brings His present Word. The Spirit of His Son “getting out” in the Church is His love that loves us to the end; it is the persistency of His will pressing into human will till we are subdued and vanquished. It is His Cross that offends, traps, breaks, and pronounces us dead; only then His Spirit comes to regenerate, to heal, and to relive the Son's life. The Father's desire is perennially in the Son's “getting out” again and again in the Church!
   After a prolonged hiatus, it is with such earnest that a conference has, therefore, been called this year. The venue is at Golden Sand Baptist Centre, Port Dickson, from the 8th to 11th June, 2023. This invitation goes to each of you whom we love, care, and carry so often in our hearts and prayers. Please do take time and seriously consider attending the upcoming conference.
   We long for your coming and expectantly await from the Father's hand together for 'the finest of the wheat' that only He alone can graciously grant to us.
  Your grateful brother,