apostolic resurgence

seven kingdom realities

an apostolic resurgence

The cry for the Church to return to what is truly apostolic needs to be sounded vehemently throughout the nations, yet it is a cry very few understand and fewer still declare. It is the Church’s mandate to be an apostolic body and tied inextricably with that is the seeking first of the kingdom of God, a knowledge that is also lost in the understanding of many modern believers today. No follower of Christ is exempt from such a requirement and it is the our hope that purestream ministries will encourage, convict, and challenge wotshippers to return to the apostolic and thus bring about an apostolic resurgence.

About the Author

Wong Chin Meng’s call into the ministry spans over 40 years. The call has taken him into more than 30 years of pastoring and teaching. His unrelenting burden has been for the growth and maturing of the Body of Jesus Christ. The expression of the burden has seen his passionate involvement in the training cum building of believers, pastors, and leaders in churches, Bible schools, and training centres.

Doors opened to the nations have enabled him to minister to a broad spectrum of churches from different denominations and backgrounds. The last ten years of his ministry was spent living, teaching, and ministering in a Christian community of believers.

The initial word spoken to him by the Lord 35 years ago, “If there is a stream, men and women will come and drink of it” has since witnessed the forming, shaping, and maturing of “Purestream Ministries” into a viable instrument in dispensing the stream of the Word of Life in churches at large. Chin (as he is often called) and Gladys reside in Kelana Jaya, Selangor where they are surrounded by their two sons and daughter-in-law.